Civic Association Bylaws

Revised and Approved: 9 October 2007

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Westlawn Civic Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association, or should the Association be incorporated, it shall thereafter be the Westlawn Civic Association, Inc.

Article II: Purpose

The Association has as its purposes the following:

  • To represent the neighborhood to the County of Fairfax and to all of its departments and other government agencies;

  • To be a catalyst for the discussion of neighborhood planning issues and community development plans and for the resolution of problems concerning these matters;

  • To serve as an educational instrument for communicating issues to the residents and business establishments within the neighborhood;

  • To assist member in measuring the impact of city and county planning on the neighborhood served by the Association; and

  • To foster, promote, and protect the civic and community interests of the residents of the Westlawn Area Subdivisions of Fairfax County, Virginia.

Article III: Membership/Dues

Membership in the Association shall be limited to residents within the boundaries of Annandale Road, Wayne Road (both sides), and Arlington Boulevard.

Annual dues for membership in the Association shall be $10.00 (Ten Dollars) for the entire household and shall entitle each person of the household over eighteen years of age to membership in the Association. Membership runs from the first day of January and expires on the final day of December of the same year. No member shall be subject to or liable for any financial obligations incurred by the Association in excess of his/her annual dues. Dues shall be established by the Board of Directors by a majority vote.

Article IV: Officers

The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer.

There shall be a Board of Directors composed of the elected officers of the Association, the chairpersons of the Standing Committees, and the Coordinator of the Neighborhood Watch.

Article V: Committees

The President may establish during his/her term additional committees as necessary.

Article VI: Duties of Officers

The President shall preside at all meetings at which he/she is present; shall exercise general supervision over the affairs and activities of the Association; shall appoint committee chairpersons and special committees, and shall serve as member ex-officio on all standing committees except the Nominating Committee.

The First Vice President shall assist the President and shall, in the absence of the President, assume the duties and responsibilities of that office. The First Vice President shall serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee.

The Second Vice President shall assist the First Vice President and shall, in the absence of the First Vice President, assume the duties of that office.

The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association, which shall be an accurate and official record of all business conducted and shall be the custodian of Association records.

The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for notifying the membership of the time and place of the Association meetings, and shall prepare and distribute all official correspondence of the Association. The Corresponding Secretary will also serve as editor of the Association Newsletter and will be responsible for arranging for speakers at General Meetings.

The Treasurer shall collect all dues and keep an accurate account thereof; shall deposit all funds in a bank or repository approved by the Association or its Board of Directors; shall make an accounting of receipts and disbursements at each regular meeting of the Association and shall file such reports as are by law required.

Article VII: Election of Officers

The officers of the Association shall be elected by ballot to serve one year. All officers will be members of the Association. The term of office for such officers shall commence on the first day of June and conclude on the final day of May of the following year. Officers may be elected for additional terms by General Meeting votes. Vacancies occurring among the officers of the Association shall be filled for the unexpired term by election by the Board of Directors. Elections will be held in May.

A Nominating Committee consisting of at least two members of the Association shall be appointed by the First Vice President at the February General Meeting. The First Vice President will serve as Chairperson. The Committee shall nominate one or more candidates, eligible and willing to serve, for each office of the Association and shall report its nominations to the Association at the annual meeting in May. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the annual meeting, with nominees present or their permission received prior to placing their name in nomination.

A vote for each officer shall be taken by secret ballot or by a show of hands immediately after the nominations for office have been closed. Election shall be decided by a plurality of the votes cast. Voting shall be limited to adult household members. No proxy voting shall be permitted.

Article VIII: Meetings

General meetings shall be held the second Tuesday (if practical) in May, October, and February of each year. Special meetings may be called by the President or Board of Directors at such times as may be advisable. Unless the Corresponding Secretary otherwise notifies the membership that the regular meeting room is not available, all regular meetings shall be held at the Westlawn Elementary School (6200 Westley Drive).

Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the Association when such are not in conflict with the Bylaws of the Association. In general, the order of business at a regular meeting shall be as follows:

  • Call to order

  • Presentation of the minutes of the previous meeting

  • Presentation of reports of the Treasurer, and Standing/Special Committees

  • Unfinished Business

  • Business as listed on the Agenda

  • Call for new business

  • Adjournment

Article IX: Finances

Association funds shall be disbursed only upon the approval of two-thirds majority of the members present and voting upon the proposed expenditure at a regular or special meeting. The President may authorize lump sum disbursements not to exceed the sum of $300.00, and the Board of Directors may authorize lump sum disbursements not to exceed $600.00

The fiscal year of the Association shall commence of the first day of June of each year and conclude on the final day of May of the succeeding year.

Article X: Quorum/Voting

A quorum at any meeting of the Association for the purpose of transacting business shall consist of those members actually present.

Only members in good standing and who are present at meetings shall be entitled to vote; there shall be no proxy voting. No member shall have more than one vote.

Article XI: Procedures for Presentation of Issues

Time permitting, any issue affecting the Westlawn neighborhood will be first presented to the membership via the Association newsletter. At the next General meeting, or at a Special called meeting, the issue will again be presented to the Association members present and a vote taken to determine the course of action for the Association.

Article XII: Amendments

Any amendments to these Bylaws may be adopted by a majority vote of those members present and voting provided the Amendment was either proposed at a preceding meeting or was published in the Announcement of the meeting at which it is to be considered.